Law Enforcement Training
Shield Force is very proud to offer an extensive line of training classes for the Law Enforcement community. All of our courses are approved to provide Continuing Law Enforcement Education in each State they are offered to meet the annual requirement of licensed Peace Officers.
Our team of Instructors have over 100 years of combined Law Enforcement experience. We strive to deliver exceptional training that exceeds the contemporary policing standards, and truly make a difference in our student's lives by encouraging and inspiring them to grow and learn!
Our #1 Training Program!
The rate of deadly assaults against Law Enforcement are at a record high. Officers nationwide are being ambushed spontaneously and pre-planned. Attend this seminar to learn the most valuable lessons that WILL help you survive! This class will review the recent attacks in Dallas, Baton Rouge, Phoenix, and several other ambush cases.
Tactical Firearms & Qualifications
SFI provides practical gunfighter training for Law Enforcement. We train on all platforms including, handgun, semi-auto rifles, shotguns, and precision rifle.
We also provide a basic qualification service to those needing to meet the minimum standards for POST.
Contemporary Tactical Strategies
Discover the driving forces and reasons behind people's actions and behavior. This course focuses on transformational leadership, social and emotional intelligence and how to effectively influence those you work with to ultimately stimulate growth within your orginization!
"Lawful but Awful". We all see an increase in contacts with mentally ill patients or those under the influence of narcotics causing them to act abnormally. This class is focused on thinking outside of the box, and new practices for dealing with the mentally ill, while being effective, and surviving physically, and also the aftermath media and law suits that often follow these incidents.
Shield Force Control Techniques (SFCT)
SFI has combined years of experiences and multiple different programs to create our own Defensive Tactics program, Shield Force Control Techniques (SFCT). We utilize the best techniques from each, that we know from experience work and have been proven over time.
Beyond the Citation
Racial Profiling
Looking beyond the citation is a strategy to encourage officers to think about each traffic stop as a new opportunity to not only make the roads and streets safer but possibly to discover a more serious traffic offense or criminal activity. This strategy helps overcome the bias that traffic enforcement is routine. It is also a method to assist patrol officers to think and look "outside-the-box", and make the most of limited resources.
Roadside Interviews, Drug Interdiction, Vehicle Searches, Case Law, Drug Recognition and safety.
Traffic Enforcement
This class is taught by a certified RADAR and LIDAR Expert who has extensive experience and knowledge working Traffic Enforcement. This course covers the proper use of speed enforcement devices, methods to reduce problem areas, tips for working Accidents, and Legal Update and Traffic Law Information.
Less Lethal & Impact Munitions
Our training includes proper product selection, operational guidelines, tactics, deployment considerations, as well as first aid, safety and decontamination. Upon completion of this class the officer will be Certified on the Use of Less Lethal Impact munitions (Bean Bags).
Traffic Stop Training
This course is excellent for newer Officers to the seasoned veterans. We teach advanced and strategic techniques to increase Officer Safety, communication to advance beyond the ticket, techniques for removing a resistant suspect from a vehicle, AND searching tips to easily locate contraband.
TASER Certification
This class provides the Officer with a TASER certification or re-certification. We can supply the cartridges and targets. As a bonus, we also cover contemporary TASER strategies and best practices not typically covered within the certification requirements.
Interview & Interrogation
This class was developed by an Expert Police Detective with years of experience Interviewing and Interrogating suspects. This curriculum combines several of the most popular Police Interview schools into ONE class, giving you the very BEST options that have proven to work time and time again! This is one of our very best offerings you won't want to miss out on!
Edged Weapons
Statistics show Officers are commonly assaulted with edged weapons. This type of assault can prove to be very deadly as our Body Armor typically doesn't offer protection against these attacks. Join us to learn SIMPLE, and EFFECTIVE techniques that don't require months of practice to be proficient. You'll get cut, but with training you WILL SURVIVE!
Reserve Officer 24 hour POST academy
We have specifically designed a fast lane course for Reserve Officers and those who simply wish to complete the minimum requirements to meet Missouri POST standards without spending any excess time. Make no mistake, this is the most cutting edge contemporary Police training available. Join us for all 24 hours or just select classes.
These classes will typically be held on weeknight evenings, and weekends.
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Firearms Qualification & Skill Development
Legal Update and Contemporary Use of Force
Dealing with Mental Illness and force options
Racial Profiling
Tactical Negotiations for the true first responder
Plus many more unique courses....